Private credit investments and private credit funds

What are private credit investments?

Private credit investment products involve a range of financial products, where investors provide capital in the form of debt to private businesses. This can occur directly between investors and private businesses (direct lending) or via investment in a managed fund. At RSC we specialise in facilitating direct lending private credit opportunities that are either mortgage backed, loan book backed (where we provide financial warehouse facilities to lenders) or we have senior claim to an asset.

Contact us today, to put your capital to work!

Private Credit Investments With Fixed Interest Returns

Private credit investments that give your family certainty.

      Because we work with multi-generational family offices, we understand the unique requirements of family offices and professional investors. Our family office clients typically want deal control, security for their principal and a premium return. If our private credit investmens are good enough for our family office clients, then doesn't your wealth deserve the same?

      That is why we have created tailored private credit opportunities with varying deal sizes, from $200k to $10M, to provide opportunties both to professional investors and family offices.

      Our direct lending model gives you.

      • A minimum fixed interest return of 6% to 24% p.a above the bank rate, depending on deal type (first mortgage, second mortgage etc, read more below)
      • Capital security through a mortgage over a property or alternative security interest, registered in your name.
      • Deal control, so you decide what happens when!

      If you've ever wanted to be directly in control of your investment destiny, read more below.

        Let your capital work for you, and contact us today!

        Tim bogdanov 4uoj M Edcw I8 unsplash
        Fixed Interest Investments with high yields

        Become the bank, with our private credit direct lending model.

        Our private credit investments are made for professional investors and family offices who want to be the direct funder to private businesses. What does our model entail?

        • Deal origination: We origiante deals from our strong marketing presence to match individual investor / funder preferences.
        • Due diligence: We conduct initial DD, and provide recommended deals terms. After a letter of offer is executed by the borrower. We will then conduct our formal DD that we do with you as the funder.
        • Old school values: We inspect Melbourne properties with you!
        • Be the bank: Our deals are made for investors / funders that wish to own an entire transaction. No syndication, no arguing with other investors.
        • You have control and legal claim: All loan documents are done under your entities name. This means you hold the security position against the asset and will be instructing lawyers.
        • We don't touch your money: All funds are handled by your lawyers, and we do not manage your money!
        • Loan management: We work with you to help with loan management admin.

        Work with us today and start earning a return!

        Tim bogdanov 4uoj M Edcw I8 unsplash
        Fixed Interest Investments with high yields

        What sort of fixed interest returns can i make with private credit?

        When you work with us, you'll be getting exclusive direct deal access to private credit opportunties.

        • Private market investment premium: Because we originate deals for investors, our investors can get a premium return for the illiquidity they are helping to solve, that is signiciantly higher than publicity traded corproate debt.
        • Illiquidity premium: Because private market transactions are usually illiquid by their nature, a premium for this liquidity is also provided to investors.
        • A real alpha return: Investors that are able to provide swift and urgent liquidity to private businesses are able to gain a premium return, above the risk adjusted rate for similar transactions, for helping solve the inconveniences of businesses.
        • What this translates to

        Work with us today and start earning a return!

        Tim bogdanov 4uoj M Edcw I8 unsplash
        Fixed Interest Investments

        First Mortgage backed lending

        As a investor lending your funds, you'll be lending your funds to businesses that require immediate funding injections. These borrowers typically require funds within the fortnight and can not wait for a bank, or they may be unable to meet all prerequisites of banks, or they may require more flexible terms than what a bank may offer. As a investor / lender you'll be taking a first mortgage as security on the provided security, which typically comes in the form of real estate. The loan to value ratio, will be determined on the liquidity and quality of the asset, as well as the funds needed by the borrower. Key features of these loans are

        • 3 month to 24 month loans
        • Interest only monthly repayments or paid in advance
        • Return rate of 7% to 14% p.a
        • LVR of 40% to 80%
        • Property within 30kms of a major city
        • Residential or commercial property as security

        Put your funds to use today, and start making a return with a first mortgage security!

        Tim bogdanov 4uoj M Edcw I8 unsplash
        Private Credit Investments

        Second Mortgage Lending

        Second mortgage loans typically carry more risk but provide much higher returns. RSC approaches second mortgage loans in a unique way to reduce risk that is unique to us to protect investors /lenders. Typically borrowers seeking these loans are seeking funds for a very short period of time, and have calculated it is cheaper for them to take a second mortgage loan at a higher rate combined with a bank first mortgage rather than refinancing and taking out more equity through a private first mortgage. A number of calculations, and legal steps are taken to protect your interests as part of DD. Key features of these loans are:

        • 3 month to 12 month loans
        • Interest only monthly repayments or paid in advance
        • Return rate of 18% to 26% p.a
        • LVR of 40% to 80%
        • Property within 30kms of a major city
        • Residential or commercial property as security

        Work with us today, to learn how to properly do a second mortgage loan and earn a higher return!

        Giulia may yzq Xh LH Da Ic unsplash