Business advisory based on real results

Business advisory from the top half percent.

We are a financial, investment & advisory firm working with businesses that do up to $100M and family offices. This means we can engineer and provide capital solutions, that other advisors can't! Because we are focused on transactions, we will only provide advice to clients, where we are certain future funding, investment or M&A transactions will take place. This means we will not charge you for billable hours just for the sake of it, like other firms do. Play the game like the top half percent and see what it means to be part of our family!

  • Business structures for asset protection, government grant enablement, lending maximisation and governance.
  • Capital advisory (debt, equity & government grants).
  • Capital solutions (traditional and non traditional capital).
  • Business exit readiness.

Join our family today!

    Business Advisors With Real Solutions

    Enable Your Success Through Proper Structuring

    Get the business structures you need to ensure your business can thrive. Whether you're looking to expand or protect assets, structuring is critical to the long term success of your business.

    Offensive structures enable you to:

    • Maximise your borrowing capacity, whether it is through banks or private credit, to get more capital so you can grow.
    • Be eligible for full government grants, so you can get more funding!
    • Maximise the sale value of your business in future, with the structures PE firms look for!
    • Have the right board structures and appointments to maximise and enable the above.

    Defensive structures enable you to:

    • Protect your personal and other assets, even if a bank wants to take possession of business assets!
    • Protect individual business assets, so in a worst case scenario you can preserve your core business from liquidators!
    • Divest business arms that are no longer profitable or a liability to your core business!

    Speak to us today, to get the business advisor you need to thrive.

          Business Advisory That Is Long Term Focused

          Capital Advisory / Corporate Finance

          How you manage capital, whether it be debt or equity is an artform that few understand. Coupled with our structuring advice, we help businesses maximise the capital they can get from traditional and nontraditional sources. Our advice is focused around:

          • Capital planning for the growth of the business
          • How to layer debt to maximise the total debt facilities your business can get.
          • Advice regarding which debt facilities are best for each business / project that you have, whether it be traditional bank funding or private lending solutions, or a blend of both.
          • How to structure your business in order to maximise the type and number of government grants you are eligible for.
          • Engineering the right debt, equity or hybrid financial instruments to achieve the mission purpose at hand. (Read more on our corporate advisory)
          • Shareholder negotiations and terms, and creating various share classes to protect the interests and controlling rights of all parties involved. (Read more on our corporate advisory)

          Speak to us today, to get the business advisor you need to thrive.

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                      A Business Advisor With Real Capital Solutions

                      Get the funding certainty you need to move forward with confidence! We excel in our ability to provide bespoke financial solutions, because we have a network that brokers don't have access to. Our family office and investor network, allows us to engineer new funding solutions and provide unconventional funding solutions . We specialise in creating traditional and private capital solutions for our clients that includes:

                      • Private debt solutions funded by family offices, to get you immediate capital.
                      • Private credit solutions, funded by institutional players for long term growth capital beyond what banks are willing to provide.
                      • Engineering of new financial products to help you solve business problems. We've created several new products specifically for clients including underwriting and heritage plate funding.
                      • Traditional funding (bank or second tier) through our network, to get you flexible terms.
                      • Specialized asset finance solutions.
                      • Access to government grants via our network of specialised grant providers.

                      Speak to us today, to get the business advisor you need to thrive.

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                        The Exit In Mind

                        Business Advice To Have You Business Exit Ready

                        What is business exit readiness? It is about putting you in a position of strength and ensuring all the necessary hygiene factors are in place from day 1 for a high conviction sale in future! All too often business owners get consumed in doing the day to day, but forget the reality that one day their business will need to be sold! Not having the right hygiene factors in place will cost you millions in future! Because we work with private equity firms, we are familiar with what they require and will ensure, "we dress the bride (make you ready)." We do this by ensuring that:

                        • The company has the right structures from the get go.
                        • Key personnel have the right agreements.
                        • Business financials are ready, with the right metrics.
                        • Key supplier agreements are in place.
                        • The business is self sufficient in operations.
                        • Loss making business arms are divested from.
                        • The story of the business and PR is known to the public, before a sale.

                        Speak to us today, to get the business advisor you need to thrive.

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                            Be part of a family of entrepreneurs

                            Business Advisory Done Differently.

                            A large part of the success behind Royce Stone Capital, is the family we have created of entrepreneurs and investors. By joining us, we ensure we team you up with another entrepreneur that is a client of ours that can help compliment your growth, if you so wish. Furthermore, by being part of our family, we actively strive to do the following:

                            • Look for JV opportunities between you and our existing clients to grow your revenue.
                            • Introduce you to our network, that you can introduce your services to.
                            • Invite you to our quarterly dinners, so you can network with other members of the Royce Stone Capital family and discuss the challenges you're facing, and the wins you're having.
                            • Ensure you feel you are part of a family, that want you to win, and that you can call for advice when you need it.

                            Join the RSC family today!

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                              Business Advisors With New Solutions

                              Because we have business clients that do up to $100M in revenue and we work with family offices, we have seen what it takes for entrepreneurs to scale their business to these heights. Accordingly, our advice is combination of what we have learnt from a mixture of clients in different industries and our own business advisory expertise. Because of this symbiotic relationship, our learning is ongoing, and with it the new solutions we can develop for your business!

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                              Business Advisors Who Are Holistic

                              Because of the holistic way we look at things, we are constantly working with a various other professional to ensure we are ahead of the game. For example, we work with 4 government grant consultants, because at any one time there are hundreds of grants available to businesses. We also work outside of the square of traditional funding, with access to wholesale funds, family offices and private equity groups, to ensure we can bring in the right financial solutions for your business as you grow!

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                              Why Should I Use Royce Stone Capital?

                              If you wish to rapidly grow or turn around your business, and you want out of the box unorthodox solutions that are specifically tailored for your needs, Royce Stone Capital is for you! We aren't for those seeking average solutions. Advisory for us isn't our main money earner, and transactions / investments is where we make the bulk of our money. Therefore our advisory work is used as stepping stone, to lead to financial transactions. This means you can have the confidences that we won't waste your time with unnecessary advisory work or bills!

                              When should i get a business advisor?

                              Typical business advisors are engaged when you're starting a new business, are experiencing rapid growth, going through a turnaround, having cashflow issues, wishing to protect assets, wishing to divest business arms, get more capital, and or wishing to sell your business. These are just a few scenarios of when a business advisor would be used to help you.

                              What is the difference between a business advisor and consultant?

                              Business consultants typically tend to focus on more thematic issues within a business, and generally do not offer deep specialist advice. Consultants tend to be more broader in nature, with a focus on advice, rather than delivered solutions (subject to the type of consultant). Professional advisors, and specifically those with accreditations, licences, capabilities etc tend to have a core deliverable solution in addition to their advice. For example an accountant, can provide you with advice, but also set up your trusts. A lawyer can provide advice, but also litigate for you. RSC can provide you with advice about capital, but also deliver capital solutions.

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